Bot, setting.ini and profile help

This tutorial is written in the hope that you are competent enough with a computer as to access the internet. If you are not competent enough with a computer as to access the internet, you may want to question how you’re actually reading this.

To Begin With…
Download the latest bot ( ).

Before Clicking the .exe…

Once the bot is installed to location of your choice, open [bot folder]/settings.ini. Modify settings.ini to your preferences. Here, I will discuss settings which are relative to you:

; the minimum players at the table including yourself before the bot will leave table
This is the minimum number of players at the table (including yourself) that need to be present for the bot to stay at the table. If the number of players at the table you are at fall beneath the number you have specified, the bot will leave and go to another table. Normally, members set the number of minimum player at 5.

; the minimum big blind room your bot will stay in.
 This is the smallest table that the bot will play on. Normally, anything above 4 is okay. Recently, Zynga have started sending higher players to 50 blind tables, so if you want to play on tables above 25/50 only, set this number to 200.

 ; the maximum big blind room your bot will stay in
 This is the highest table that the bot will play on. If you are weary of the bot reaching a table of which you consider the blinds too high, specify the maximum blind that you will allow the bot to enter. For example, if you set the maximum blind to 80k, the bot will only play tables where the blind is equal to or lower than 80k.

 ; the number of big blinds your bot will sit with
This is how much the bot will buy into the table with. The number you specify is multiplied by the big blind of the table that you sit at. For example, a table buyin of 20 at a 25/50 table would mean that you are buying in with 1000 chips. A table buyin of 20 at a 5k/10k table would mean that you are buying in with 200,000 chips.

; should the bot log text log_text=1
This should always be set to 1, to use when you need assistance on this site.

; should the bot ask for a blind if it is not known log_screen_blind=1
 This is if the bot should ask for an unknown blind. This must be set to 1.

;browser_title=Mozilla Firefox
;browser_file=firefox.exe other browsers
;browser_title=Internet Explorer
;browser_file=iexplore.exe ;browser_title=Google Chrome
;browser_file=chrome.exe ;browser_title=Poker Bot Console
;browser_file=console ;browser_title=Opera

 This is where you choose which browser you will be running the bot on.
 Simply delete the [;] that is before you’re chosen browser title and file. And [;] will need to be added before browsers which you do not want to use.

 Before Clicking the
.exe BetaBot.zpro
This section constantly changes, so whilst writing this I’m going to presume that we all have common sense.

all_in =AA
raise_strong =KK QQ AK
raise =AQ KQ JJ TT
call_upto_mid =AJ KJ QJ

These are the hands which the bot act with pre-flop.You can edit this yourself to reflect your style of play. Hands which are not specified next to all_in, raise_strong, raise and call, the bot will check if available, and if not then will fold.


 These are the post-flop score actions. When the bot plays, it calculates your chance of winning, given the flop. It changes once the turn is shown, and again following the river. ‘call’ means that the bot will call anything with the score specified, ‘raise’ means that the bot will raise with the score specified, and ‘all_in’ means that the bot will go all in with the score specified.

;this is the number x big blind that you wish to call on, so change it accordingly


This is how much the bot will call upto. The number you specify is multiplied by the blind, so if you’re on a 10k table with a call_upto_low amount of 4, the bot will call up to 40,000 chips, call_upto_mid amount of 6 will call 60,000 chips and call_upto_high amount of 10 will call 100,000 chips.

;This is the number x big blind that you wish to raise, so change it accordingly
This is how much your bot will raise, if you have specified that it should do so. Yet again, the number is multiplied by the blind of the table you are at.

high =25
;This will go to a new room after > 25xbb is reached. So basically after a few wins it should go to another room.

low =15
;This will bank for you after you lose a few hands in a row. If your sitting with < 15xbb chips it will stand and sit with a fresh stack.

hands =30 staylonger =5

This simply will change rooms after 30 hands. Staylonger was added to let you play a few more hands in the room if your winning. It will add 5 hands every time you win if set to 5.

chips =6
raise =4

We are using Tesseract to read the chip amounts.
Its a 5 step process that happens very quickly.

Step 1 - Looks in your data/chips or data/raise folder to see if it already read the amount. If it has it simply reads from that .txt file. If not it goes to step 2.
Step 2 - Takes a screenshot of the raise box or the chips amount (top left of the game screen)
Step 3 - Resizes the screenshot to make it easier for Tesseract to try to read.
Step 4 - Tesseract reads the shot and outputs a .txt file.
Step 5 - It cleans up the reading (takes out $ and ,) and outputs another .txt file then deletes files it doesn't need.

 If your bot folds on call_upto's when he should be calling, chances are its not reading the raise box correctly. You need to go to your data/raise folder and open up a bunch of .txt files and look for errors. You should see numbers without spaces. Spaces are evil and will mess up the bot. So assuming you see spaces Tesseract failed in reading the true amount. We have a fix for this!

Different PC's, different resolutions, video cards ect. means not all computers will read the same. So added a Resize option in your .ini that tells the bot what to resize the screenshot to in step 3.

chips =4
raise =4

If your call_uptos (data/raise) numbers are wrong try raise =5 then after a few call_uptos look again at the .txt files to see how the numbers are. If still messed up try 6 and so on.

Same for the chip amount. If your data/chips .txt numbers are wrong try chips =5 then check and redo until its reading correct. Call_once and raises use the same principle as call_upto so if your having issues do the same as above.

So basically if your chips are reading incorrect change 
chips =4 to 5 and try again. Same thing for the raises..

[ForcePause] DownPercent

This was added so you do not wake up with 0 chips. With the above setting it will go to the lobby and pause the bot if your down 10% of your highest chip amount.

rounds =2

On a fold it will check for a few popups ever 2 rounds. Set it higher if you want. Right now the error popup is evil and if you happen to be in the bottom seat bad things may happen.


Set this to 1 to let the bot change the blinds for you according to how many chips you have. Nice for newer account if you have less then 10 mil.


Hard to explain this one so just let it stay at 3. If you change it, it will mess with your scores big time. If you care all it does it force the bot to think there is 3 people playing against you every hand all the time. Go ahead and change it IF YOU KNOW WHATYOUR DOING. If you want old school scoring use 0.

Recording Seats…


It’s now time to open up facebook and sign into your account. Go onto the application: zynga texas hold’em poker.
Join an empty 9 seat table for selected blinds. Click on ZPB2010.exe and then click on SEAT and the bot will automatically record your seats. If you get a unknown blind pop-up enter a number of max blind. If you are on 5/10k table then enter 10000 not 10k!
Note: Bot record all seats but it sit only on one.

Things to Expect From the Bot…

The bot will take over your mouse while playing.
Dont touch, just watch .

Things Not to Expect From the Bot…

The bot cannot be run in the background, therefore the window that the bot is playing cannot be minimised or placed in the background. Also, the bot is not guaranteed to make you any profit whatsoever: despite being a game of skill, poker is also a game of luck!

 Good luck and have fun!

Pre-flop Starting Hands

Pre-flop Starting Hands:
  • A) AA, KK, QQ, AKs
  • B) AK, JJ, TT, AQs
  • C) AQ, AJs, 99
  • D) AJ, 88, KQs, ATs, KQ
  • E) AT, QJs, 77, QJ, 66, KJs, KJ
  • F) 55,44,33,22, JTs,T9s,98s,87s,76s, AXs

This shows you how to play various starting hands. Note: If my recommendation is not raise or call, you should usually fold.
Early position: Open with all category A-C hands. If you are then raised re-raise with A or B, call with C. After your re-raise is raised, you can call with B or move in with A.
Middle Position: Open with A-D hands; call a re-raise with B or C; raise a re-raise with A; fold D unless the raise is small, then you may call.
Late Position: Open with A-E hands. If raised, re-raise with A-B or call with C. If you are on the button you should also raise with category D hands. Your play of E and F hands is going to be very circumstantial. With no players in the pot you should raise with all hands A-F on the dealer button trying to win the pot uncontested (steal the blinds). Even if your opponents are uncooperative enough to call you, you will still have position on them after the flop.
With Category F hands, you only want to limp in if you are in middle to late position with other limpers already in the pot. Be prepared to throw them away if there is a raise. You want to see cheap flops with these hands, and you must be able to get away from them if you don't flop a great hand (monster), or a draw to a monster. I wouldn't recommend playing these hands until you understand basic pot odds and can lay down a hand when you hit the flop only slightly. You'll usually be better off playing these hands against a lot of poor players. One problem playing drawing hands against strong players is that even if you do flop a draw, it is likely that you won't be given the correct odds to draw to it. Strong players know how to protect their hands against draws by offering them incorrect odds. If I catch top pair on the flop with a good kicker but there are two hearts out, I'm going to usually bet in the neighborhood of 2/3 of the pot if there are multiple players in the pot. That way, if you call on the draw, you've made a mistake and that means I've gained EV (estimated value) according to the fundamental theory of poker.
Note: Be very careful when playing QJ. You really want two pair or a straight with this hand; it can be a very difficult hand to play after the flop. For instance, when you catch top pair with the Queen or the Jack, you should probably bet out, but I'd be very cautious if you get played with. It's very difficult to do, but sometimes you just have to fold what might be the best poker hand. This is especially true in tournament style poker. We have to remember to never go broke with marginal holdings. Likewise, KJ is a hand that can get you into a lot of trouble. Be very careful when you flop top pair with a jack as a kicker. It's hard to get away from when you're beat, and it usually won't win much of a pot when it's not. Bet to see where you stand, but be prepared to muck these hands when another player is hanging in with you.

Guide Virtual Machines

Hello everybody.

Today, we’ll be going through how to set up a virtual machine. There are some major advantages to botting through a virtual machine, which include:
  • Virtual machines have an independent mouse.
  • Virtual machines can be minimised.
  • Virtual machines aren’t affected by your computers annoyances (scheduled virus scans blocking the screen etc.)

We’ll be using free virtualisation software: VirtualBox. I’ve used paid virtual machine software (parallels etc.), and none of them compare to VirtualBox when it comes to efficiency (running XP). Plus, VirtualBox doesn’t have any annoying validation checks (comes in handy later on). To navigate to the VirtualBox download page,click here.

Next, we need an operating system for the virtual machine use. Since BetaBot can only be run in a Windows environment, we need a lightweight Windows operating system, so we’re obviously going to be using Windows XP. Windows XP can be acquired in many ways, and I’m not looking for Microsoft to come cap my ass, so finding a copy (whether legit or not) is being left completely up to you. All I’ll say is that there’s a certain bay where pirates hang around that linksMicroXP v0.82.

So, we’ve got the virtual machine and we’ve got the operating system… now we’ve got to set the thing  up. Thankfully, VirtualBox makes setting a virtual machine up easy as pie. Make sure you give it enough video memory (I give mine 128MB), RAM (I give mine 1024mb), and CPU’s (I give mine 1 – I only have 2, and giving the VM both cores can slow it down)… and ignore whatever it recommends – it doesn’t know what we’re doing, and Zynga Texas Hold’Em can be murder to run. There’s other stuff to tick, such as 3D and 2D acceleration… when in doubt, just tick.

Then you’ve got to set up the operating system – again, is easy even if you don’t know how. Once set up, give XP a decent enough resolution (1000x* tends to work), and turn off cleartype (how to here). Restart, and you’re off (after you’ve downloaded the bot and recorded your seat, that is)!

Note: If you're computer's too slow to run a VM, then it simply won't. Here's my laptop specs, so anything equal to or greater than will obviously work (that's not to say that anything weaker couldn't)

My Bot Profile

Here is the profile of the hands that my bot is playing.
This profile has worked well for me on 20k and 40 k tables with a buy-in of 35 x BB and is making a very good profit.

all_in =AA KK QQ JJ TT  AK
raise =
call_strong =AQ AJ
call_any =99 88
call_upto_high =
call_upto_low =77 66 55 44 33 22 AT KQ KJ KT QJ QT JT
call_once =K9 Q9 J9 T9 98
small_blind =A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 K8 K7 Q8 Q7 J8 J7 76 65 54 43 32

all_in =AK AQ AJ AT
raise =
call_strong =
call_any =
call_upto_high =
call_upto_low =KQ KJ KT QJ QT JT
call_once =A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 K9 Q9  J9 T9 98
small_blind =K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 K8 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 J8 T8 T7 T6 T5 T4 T3 T2 76 65 54 43 32

preflopcallamount =4
flopcallamount =4
turncallamount =5
rivercallamount =6

preflopcallamount =2
flopcallamount =2
turncallamount =3
rivercallamount =4

preflopraiseamount =5
flopraiseamount =15
turnraiseamount =25
riverraiseamount =35

preflopraiseamount =10
flopraiseamount =5
turnraiseamount =10
riverraiseamount =15




high =25

low =15

hands =35
staylonger =5

chips =5
raise =5

DownPercent =30

rounds =1



Also changes to a new server after playing 200 hands

Will A Bot Win ALL The Time

The bot will certainly not win 100%.
What the bot does is play the game for you, like the cards you configure it to play.

For instance you might configure it to go all in preflop with AhAc, and the bot will do just that, but obviously there is no guarantee those holes will win the hand, they can be beaten by any number of hands.

During post flop the bot will calculate a percentage between 0 and 100 chance that your hand will win or draw at the showdown, you configure what action you would like it to take for any given percentage at flop, turn, and river, and still there is no guarantee your hand will win.

The bot can only make its calculations from the cards it knows, ie your holes and the community cards, it does not know the holes of your opponents.

If you take into consideration that the whole idea of using a bot is, to play the long boring waiting game for decent hands, that humans cannot be arsed to do, and make a tight profile laying out minimal blinds and only playing good cards, your bot will win chips over time.

Similarly, you can create a terrible profile that can lose you chips.

Top 10 Best Hold'em Poker Hands

1. Ace-Ace This is the best Hold'em poker hand you can hope to have. It's the best of the best, and will win more than any other hand. Also known as American Airlines, pocket rockets, and bullets.
 2. King-King This 2nd-best hold'em hand is still incredibly strong and will win you a good chunk of change. Two kings, or "cowboys" are only dominated by aces.
 3. Queen-Queen Two queens, or "ladies" are a very good hand. Sure, kings and aces will beat you, but you've got the upper hand on jacks and below.
 4. Ace-King Ace-king is a strong but tricky hand. It is the strongest of the drawing hands, but the flop needs to work with you to give you a pair of aces or kings for it to really pay off. Suited it is slightly stronger than unsuited, as then you can also make the nut flush much more easily.
 5. Jack-Jack A pair of jacks, ten-handed, will win almost 20% of the time. If the flop shows a queen, king, or ace, watch out, but otherwise, it's smooth sailing.
 6. Ace-Queen Ace-queen is the second best drawing hand, and when suited, will win about 20% of the time as well.
 7. King-Queen King-queen, especially suited, is a great drawing hand that is only afraid of an Ace falling on the board.
 8. Ace-Jack Ace-jack is another great drawing hand. Suited is always better here, but unsuited is still playable.
 9. King-Jack King-jack, especially in later positions, is a fine hand to play, but can be beat by any of the hands listed above and should be folded to big raises. Statistically, suited it will win just under 19% of the time, but unsuited that drops to just 15%.
 10. Ace-Ten Ace-ten is still a good hand -- you've got the ace, and can make a straight if the miracle J-Q-K falls on the board. But be wary of playing it too strong, especially unsuited, as if all you end up with is a pair of aces, you may be out-kicked.

Been Away

I have been away for a week or so but left my bot playing poker while i was away. Started a new account and transfered over 1 mil chips before i left. Bot was playing 24/7 on 10k tables with 40 x BB buy-in. My bot got disconneted from Zynga poker at some stage while i was away. Still managed to make a small profit of 8.2 mil in chips. Time to move the bot on to 20k tables with 40 x BB buy-in.

Account Baned

Well how nice of zynga to ban 1 of my bot Lost 60mil in Lucky i have a few different face book accounts for zynga poker that i use the bot on. I have always found that it is best to have a few different accounts,that way the loss is not that great. I have a main account that i transfer chips into from my bot accounts.I never use the bot on my main account. Now i'm going to have to make that back u again and then
Well it hasnt been a bad weekend for the bot still made a profit of 10mil The fact we're now finishing the weekend (notoriously bad for bot profit making due to nobhead calls getting lucky) lol.

Zynga Poker Bot Progress

Im sharing with you my progress so far. I run my bot on 3 different accounts on Zynga poker,playing on 10k and 20k tables with a buy-in of 30-50 x BB that way its harder for people to know that its a bot. All my accounts have poker buddies and i make sure i play a few sit n gos and shootout. When you look at there profile it makes them look more real, less chance of you getting reported as a bot and your account being banned if they catch you. I've had accounts banned before.I have lost over 500mil in chips with Zynga banning my My bot has had its ups and downs like every poker player does in poker. In the last week over my 3 accounts i have made 25mil in chips, not bad considering it plays by its self. You may think that its not a lot, but slow and steady wins the race. There will be alot of people who don't believe that there is a working poker bot. Im going to share with you the the web site, so you too can get a working poker bot. Vist the site and check it out for your self.