Bingo Profile

Going to try out a new profile and it is going to be playing bingo.
It plays 16 hands all in pre-flop and will be buying in at 60xBB on 10k tables to see how it works.

all_in =AA KK QQ JJ TT 99 88 AK AQ AJ
raise =
call_strong =
call_any =
call_upto_high =77 66 55
call_upto_low =AT KQ KJ QJ QT JT
call_once =44 33 22
small_blind =

all_in =AK AQ AJ AT KQ KJ
raise =
call_strong =
call_any =
call_upto_high =
call_upto_low =KT QJ QT JT
call_once =
small_blind =

preflopcallamount =4
flopcallamount =4
turncallamount =5
rivercallamount =6

preflopcallamount =2
flopcallamount =2
turncallamount =3
rivercallamount =4

preflopraiseamount =5
flopraiseamount =15
turnraiseamount =25
riverraiseamount =35

preflopraiseamount =5
flopraiseamount =10
turnraiseamount =15
riverraiseamount =15




high =15

low =15

hands =30
staylonger =5

chips =5
raise =5

DownPercent =50

rounds =1



Should I Use A Poker Bot?

For many online poker is becoming more than just a game, it has become enthrawling and there is nothing like winning, and just as in any other hobby that is enjoyed you want to learn more about it, and become better at it. Often, because people want to be better players, they read, learn and in some cases use a poker bot. Online poker is fun no matter what your age is.

Today, there are millions of players who enjoy online poker, and every day, more people come in and join the poker gaming  sites.
The poker bot can do anything a human player can, except read a bluff of someone else. This has both advantages and disadvantages depending on the situation.

Now that we know poker bots are available, is it really fair to use them? 
Well, it really depends on where you are. If you are at a poker site with very advanced players then the chances are that they are using a poker bot too. So, the real question you may want to ask is.
Do you really want to be left at a disadvantage by not using a poker bot?

Poker bots seem to be popular and aren't going to dissapear any time soon. But should you use them? Well, that is really up to each individual. They are not illegal, but they can't see the opponents cards either.
A poker bot is really just an aid to your poker playing. You enter a tournament or a game, the way you usually do, then allow the bot to play the early stages for you. This saves you time and energy, but you don't have to let the bot play entirely for you. You could decide to play these hands yourself and just use the bot to help you determine odds, calculate the best bet and the best choices. 

A poker bot software program can calculate and recommend an action, and can either take that action automatically or let you determine whether you want to take that action. These software programs have a number of different settings and allow you to create the type of player that you want. You decide on the risks you want the bot to take and which you don't. So, whether you use it as a playing tool, or to play the hands for you really depends on you. 

Made My Chips Back

Happy days again made my 60mil chips back that Zynga took when my account was banned.
Taken me a couple of weeks of ups and downs.
I have played around with a few different profiles as well.
I have found that the 2 profiles that have worked best for me are the 2 that i have posted on my blog.
The bot has only been playing for 8 hrs at a time and has had its bad days playing too.

Happy Botting
(www.pokerbotproboards home of the zynga bot)

New Profile

Time to try out a new profile.
Here it is

all_in =AA KK QQ
raise_strong=JJ AK AQ AJ
raise =
call_strong =TT 99 88
call_any =
call_upto_high =AT KQ KJ KT
call_upto_low =77 66
call_once =55 44 33 22 K9 QJ QT Q9 JT J9
small_blind =K9 Q9 J9 98 87 76 65 54 43 32

all_in =AK
raise_strong=AQ AJ AT
raise =
call_strong =KQ
call_any =
call_upto_high =KJ KT
call_upto_low =
call_once =A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 K9 QJ QT Q9 JT J9 T9
small_blind =K8 K7 K6 K5 K4 K3 K2 Q8 Q7 J8 J7 T8 T7 98 97 87 86 76 65 54 43 32

preflopcallamount =4
flopcallamount =4
turncallamount =5
rivercallamount =6

preflopcallamount =2
flopcallamount =2
turncallamount =3
rivercallamount =4

preflopraiseamount =5
flopraiseamount =10
turnraiseamount =15
riverraiseamount =20

preflopraiseamount =10
flopraiseamount =5
turnraiseamount =10
riverraiseamount =15




high =15

low =15

hands =25
staylonger =5

chips =5
raise =5

DownPercent =100

rounds =1



Protect your Facebook Poker Chips

1) Don't click on links in messages sent to your Facebook inbox. These are scams designed to trick you into logging into fake websites so hackers can steal your facebook poker chips or myspace poker chips. Many times the senders will use official looking photos with the logos of Facebook or the game developers to fool people into thinking the messages are legitimate. Then they will claim that you violated the rules and in order to keep your account open you must follow the link they provide, which leads to a fake website that steals your password and login information and then sends it to the hackers.

2) Don't add strangers onto MSN or other instant messaging networks who give their address out in the chat. Some of them are weirdos who just want free facebook poker chips but many times they are hackers who will try to get you to download a virus infected file or photo in order to gain access to your computer.

3) Beware of scammers advertising facebook poker chips in the chat at too good to be true prices. Most of the time they will take your money and dissapear with no intention of ever giving you chips.

4) Think twice before sharing your password with anyone, even with friends or family. We've heard from more than few people who though they had their account hacked only to find out later that a sibling, parent, or friend snuck into their account and took their facebook poker chips!

5) Don't download programs or files that claim to be facebook poker cheats! Generally speaking, online texas holdem game developers have made their facebook poker games quite secure and there is almost no chance of there being hacks or exploits to circumvent their security. But people still try and usually end up downloading a virus on to their computer in the process. Do yourself a favor and steer clear of facebook poker chips cheats and hacks